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Position:Home>Genealogy> Need help with Rhode Island cemetary?

Question:I looked up my ancestor on the Rhode Island cemetary database and it said the person was burried at "PW008" but I don't know what cemetary that corrosponds to.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I looked up my ancestor on the Rhode Island cemetary database and it said the person was burried at "PW008" but I don't know what cemetary that corrosponds to.

Have you tried its an excellent site, I did a search for a cemetery in Rhode Island for you and it came up with 190 matches with addresses, I would just type in your ancestors name and see what that throws up.

Each cemetery office has a "map" of the land; you just need to visit the cemetery while the office is open.
The key to where that cemetery is, is right here.
After you have the name ..
you can also look it up via topozone to zoom on the location.
pw008 is Old St Mary's.