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Position:Home>Genealogy> Are there a lot of girls out there named "TOBY"?

Question:My name is Toby but I'm a guy...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My name is Toby but I'm a guy...

Probably not seeing it is a male name short for Tobias.


Gender: Masculine

Usage: Biblical, German, Scandinavian

Greek form of TOBIAH. Tobias is the hero of the apocryphal Book of Tobit in the Old Testament. It relates how Tobias is able to defeat a demon with the help of the archangel Raphael."

I seriously doubt it

no never ever heard a girl named Toby its a male name

There were a few girls named Toby in my generation, but we're a little old to be called "girls" today. But there are a few middle-aged women out there with that name from the 60s. That's when it became common to name girls with boy Shawn, Sydney, Toby, Billy, etc.

In the US, Toby (for girls) was ranked 747 in the 1930s, 664 in the 1940s, and not in the top 1000 names in the 1950s.

If you would like to see a graph of the prevalence of this name per million people, either boys or girls, in the US, go to:

They collect their data from the Social Security Administration.

Note: You need Java to run it.