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Position:Home>Genealogy> Need to find the meaning for HIroith. It is a name.?

Question:none of my sources find the name either. sometimes will use soundex to pick up on alternate spellings, and it seemed to think that it could be Hroth. Per what few entries of even that, it shows one from Germany. That is a clue.. but not definitive.
You are aware that all names do NOT always have a "meaning", or one central location of origin? If you do know a person with the name by this spelling, the odds are very high that it is a variation of another spelling. Generally, here in genealogy, my advice is to not focus on the NAME's origin or spelling, but research to find the ancestor's place of origin or ancestry. In many cases, where the ancestor comes from, is completely different to where people assume a name to be from.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: none of my sources find the name either. sometimes will use soundex to pick up on alternate spellings, and it seemed to think that it could be Hroth. Per what few entries of even that, it shows one from Germany. That is a clue.. but not definitive.
You are aware that all names do NOT always have a "meaning", or one central location of origin? If you do know a person with the name by this spelling, the odds are very high that it is a variation of another spelling. Generally, here in genealogy, my advice is to not focus on the NAME's origin or spelling, but research to find the ancestor's place of origin or ancestry. In many cases, where the ancestor comes from, is completely different to where people assume a name to be from.

I can't find this as a name anywhere. It is very likely an abbreviation -- possibly for a place. What is its source? (i.e., where are you reading it?) and what is the source's language?