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Position:Home>Genealogy> Q question about ancestry facial features.?

Question:Do any of you happen to know from what ancestry's came ones servery square jaw?
I was told , because of two true medical problems that I most likely have much Viking, or Sweden, or Northern European ancestry in me.
So i was wondering if any ancestors coming from that are had this type of chin. (Very Christopher Reed type chin)
Could you help me out here?

Thank you so very much for your help!!!


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Do any of you happen to know from what ancestry's came ones servery square jaw?
I was told , because of two true medical problems that I most likely have much Viking, or Sweden, or Northern European ancestry in me.
So i was wondering if any ancestors coming from that are had this type of chin. (Very Christopher Reed type chin)
Could you help me out here?

Thank you so very much for your help!!!


My jaw is pretty square. I am mostly Scottish.

You were given the correct information.

My mother is danish and has quite strong facial features so I think it is true