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Position:Home>Genealogy> Margaret ........?

Question:I wonder , does anyone like this name?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I wonder , does anyone like this name?

I like it fine -- it's been in my family for years -- my mother's name, and mine too. It's kind of old fashioned and I don't think it is used much any more,as I only know one other Margaret. Of course there is Margarete and Margarita...

Nope, not at all. However, the name Margaret has a few cute diminutives, such as Meg, Maggie, Margee (with a hard G, not like the soft g in Margie), May - but I can't stand the diminutives Peggy and Peg.

No I'm not keen on it, there aren't many girls named that are that now days.

Names come in fads. Margaret is an old name. Make people think it is a pretty name by the type of person you are. I think a lot of people judge a name mostly because they knew someone with a particular name that they did or did not like.

I actually like the name Margaret.

It's one of those old fuddy duddy names, but without the fuddy duddiness!

Does that make ANY sense?

I like it very much as it is a nice old name

it sounds like an old womens name
