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Position:Home>Genealogy> Where Did The Lastname Smallwood Originate from?

Question:Because that's my mothers madien name and i wanted to know what country i orignated from and the meaning of the lastname

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Because that's my mothers madien name and i wanted to know what country i orignated from and the meaning of the lastname

Origins and meanings of names do not tell a person their ancestry. People with the same surname could have come from more than one country. Not everyone with the same surname is necessarily related or shares ancestors. The only way a person can truly know their ancestry is to trace it starting with themselves and working back.

The New York Passenger List 1820-1957 shows most listed their ethnicity or nationality as American, British and English, but there was some that listed it as Polish,Welsh, Irish, Scottish, Puerto Rican, Austrian, West Indian, African, German, Scandinavian, Greek. So your mother's ancestors could possibly have come from many places.

little seedlings in the forest, of Wales. Insignificant yet has the potetial to grow into large wood someday. Thank you.

This is what has to say about the name,
English (chiefly West Midlands): habitational name from a place in Cheshire, so called from Old English sm?l ‘narrow’ + wudu ‘wood’.
hope this helps.

In a small forest.