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Question:If my cousin has a cousin on the other side of the family (i.e. not my blood relative), what is the proper term to describe my relation to that cousin? Is it cousin-in-law, cousin through marriage, or something else?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If my cousin has a cousin on the other side of the family (i.e. not my blood relative), what is the proper term to describe my relation to that cousin? Is it cousin-in-law, cousin through marriage, or something else?

"Cousin's cousin".

"Cousin-in-law" is for the spouses of your cousins, but the only time a genealogist would say "First cousin once removed, in-law" is after four rounds in the tap room of the Genealogy Society clubhouse. Normal people would never use the term.

You don't have any true relation. My daughter has a friend whose father was a Swede from Iowa. He joined the Air Force, went to Korea and met a Korean lady who was teaching at the base. Love flowered and they married. Their Eurasian daughter has tall, blue-eyed Lutheran English-speaking cousins in Iowa. She also has short, brown-eyed Buddhist Korean-speaking cousins in Korea.

If the two sets of cousins ever got together for a picnic they would probably have a good time, once the Koreans warned the Iowans not to eat kim chee without a full glass of beer handy, but they are not related in any legal or genealogical sense.

Your not related at all.:D
Its nothing to you

it is simply. COUSIN

nothing, you aren't related

there is no term.. ur not related..if u wanted to u could get married to him it would be ok.. ha

No relation at all unless you have a common ancestor. Now if you want to call her a cousin that is your personal choice.

Cousin twice removed, or just Friend.

As Shirley said, in order to be cousins, you MUST share a common ancestor (grandparent, great-grandparent, great-great-grandparent, etc.) with that person. If you do not, then you are not cousins and not related in any way, shape, or form.

cousin by marriage.period.
the person is not really your cousin though... you need to descend from someone she descended from too.

it may jsut be easier to say my cousin...