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Position:Home>Genealogy> Am I naive because I didn't know this happened?

Question:I posted a question in Genealogy a few days ago. Yesterday I was Googling about and found much to my surprise that my question from Y/A on there! I'm asking this question in Genealogy, firstly because that's where I set the question and secondly, I don't know where else to place it.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I posted a question in Genealogy a few days ago. Yesterday I was Googling about and found much to my surprise that my question from Y/A on there! I'm asking this question in Genealogy, firstly because that's where I set the question and secondly, I don't know where else to place it.

not naive... google is an independent search engine that picks up on many things on the internet. Completely normal. Your question didn't "go" to google, it is just indexed there.
It is one reason, that yahoo prohibits info on living persons. 99% of people searching for a name out there, are absolutely valid and responsible. Its the weirdos that make it hard. (not you)
Your question is still in genealogy. One thing you MAY be unaware of, is the question/answer form here. When your question 'closes', the competition here is over. No new answers. Other places are boards or forums, that do not close. Your question remains up. SOMETIMES a person sees your question in the resolved area, 6 months down the road, and they have your answer. If your email (in your profile) is not enabled, they have NO way to get back to you.

No, not naive; I have noticed a number of times when I am doing a search on google that it comes up with Yahoo! answers. Of course, there are a lot of answers from other boards also.
Remember: there are people out there that do not believe that they (or whomever) is on the internet.
If you have ever used the internet, there will be something about you on the internet.

Google picks up Y!A questions remarkably quickly. I maintain the web site for my church. It takes them a week or two to re-index our site. That is, if I add a sermon about global warming, it takes a week or two for a search in Google for "Global Warming" (with some other words) to return our church site. But, Google will pick up on a Q in Y!A in minutes.

Yes, you were naive not to know this would happen eventually.

You can google yourself. Use quotation marks. Do it four times, once with each form of you name:

"Abraham Lincoln"
"Lincoln, Abraham"
"Abe Lincoln"
"Lincoln, Abe"

You might be surprised. I was.