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Position:Home>Genealogy> What is marlin brando's real name and ancestry?

Question:Brando was born to Marlon Brando Sr. (1895–1965) and Dorothy Pennebaker Brando (1897-1954) in Omaha, Nebraska.[1] In 1935, when he was 11 years old, his parents separated. His mother briefly took her three children (Marlon, Jocelyn (1919–2005) and Frances Brando (1922-1994) to live with her mother in Santa Ana, California, until 1937 when the parents reconciled and moved to Libertyville, Illinois, a village north of Chicago. The family was of mixed Dutch, Irish, German, Huguenot and English descent. Contrary to what is stated in some biographies, Brando's grandfather was not French; he, Eugene E. Brando, was from New York state.[2] Brando's grandmother Marie Holloway abandoned Eugene and their son Marlon Brando Sr. when he was five years old.[3] The Brando family had been long settled in New York state. The family name was earlier spelled Brandow and originated with a German immigrant, Johann Wilhelm Brandau, who settled in America in the early 1700s.[4

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Brando was born to Marlon Brando Sr. (1895–1965) and Dorothy Pennebaker Brando (1897-1954) in Omaha, Nebraska.[1] In 1935, when he was 11 years old, his parents separated. His mother briefly took her three children (Marlon, Jocelyn (1919–2005) and Frances Brando (1922-1994) to live with her mother in Santa Ana, California, until 1937 when the parents reconciled and moved to Libertyville, Illinois, a village north of Chicago. The family was of mixed Dutch, Irish, German, Huguenot and English descent. Contrary to what is stated in some biographies, Brando's grandfather was not French; he, Eugene E. Brando, was from New York state.[2] Brando's grandmother Marie Holloway abandoned Eugene and their son Marlon Brando Sr. when he was five years old.[3] The Brando family had been long settled in New York state. The family name was earlier spelled Brandow and originated with a German immigrant, Johann Wilhelm Brandau, who settled in America in the early 1700s.[4


Joan O'Callaghan

would not have clue lol

Actually it is spelled M-A-R-L-O-N not Marlin, like the fish.

His real name is Marlon Brando, Jr. son of Marlon Brando, Sr. and Dorothy Pennebacker. His wiki biography was pasted above. If you are interested in his ancestry though, here is a link to a family tree available online.

I always warn people that unless a tree is chock full of sources, to take any information on an online family tree as a clue. Genealogy is about documentation and a tree with no sources is essentially useless, until someone can look at the primary sources and document them.