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Position:Home>Genealogy> How do I find out if I was adopted?

Question:My parents have both passes away. My grandmother has mentioned something about my father not even meeting my mother until after I was born. I went to the local probate court, but did not find anything. The problem, is we moved around alot when I was really little, three different states. Any suggestions?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My parents have both passes away. My grandmother has mentioned something about my father not even meeting my mother until after I was born. I went to the local probate court, but did not find anything. The problem, is we moved around alot when I was really little, three different states. Any suggestions?

go to they will send you from

You and your grandmother could undergo a DNA test to confirm you're related. Then you could begin a trail with the other side of the family if they have relatives living.

good luck

Go back to the Courthouse and ask them where the adoption records are kept. You sound over 21 so the records could be wide open to you.

From what your grandmother said ,your biological father could be your mothers past partner and your non biological dad married your mom some time after you were born.