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Position:Home>Genealogy> Anyone want to try to help me find my biological father?

Question:Im from Minnesota. I am 17 and found out that my biological father didnt want me from the moment he was told about me. I was assured by my mother that once i turned 18 i could meet him. I just wish i could email him or talk to him first. He would be about 36-37 years old and in minnesota yet(at least thats the hope). His name is Michael Richardson. I dont know middle initials or anything but im hoping if anyone here is from minnesota and theyve known him, they can help me. Thanks

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Im from Minnesota. I am 17 and found out that my biological father didnt want me from the moment he was told about me. I was assured by my mother that once i turned 18 i could meet him. I just wish i could email him or talk to him first. He would be about 36-37 years old and in minnesota yet(at least thats the hope). His name is Michael Richardson. I dont know middle initials or anything but im hoping if anyone here is from minnesota and theyve known him, they can help me. Thanks

Looking at phone lists, there are about 13 Michael Richardsons in MN... suggest finding which city he might be located at first.

Dodge Center, Evansville, Litchfield, Minneapolis, Roseville, St. Paul, South St. Paul or Stillwater.

Perhaps you should talk to your mom and explain that you would rather meet him now than when you are 18. Understand that if he stated he did not want you when you were born, he may not be to thrilled to see you now. Don't set high expectations.

There are many ways to look for him. But don't bother to look for him. What are your expectations?

wait an year, then look. I know, but trust is earned. is a good place to start

Haven't run across him. But in my line of work I meet thousands of people a year. And will keep an eye out for his name. If I should meet him I will try to contact you. Just to let you know my daughter was 18 years of age when she finally contacted me. But the circumstances were different, as her mother had remarried and we though it best for her not to grow up with a split up family. But anyway she was finally told the truth and it took her awhile of searching, but she found me. And out of the blue I received a phone call from her. We met for the first time since she was 3 months old. And are now the best of friends. But like I said the circumstances were much different. I will try to help. And good luck to you.

Trista, you are honest, and I will be also.
NO one here should be interfering between the standard your mom set, and giving you information. I respect that you need to make your own evaluation, but that needs to wait until you are of age.
Legally speaking, we would be violating your mom's right to make that determination.