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Position:Home>Genealogy> In appearance what are Irish characteristics?

Question:coloring, body type, facial features, ect

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: coloring, body type, facial features, ect

In Ireland, the people are generally Caucasian with blond, red, brown or black hair. The Aborigines, from what I have read were blond and red haired. With the Romans ruling Ireland for 500 years or so their genes spilled over into the population. If you are Irish descent and have black hair someone in your ancestry is Roman.

Now a days, Irish can be from any race, we Americans are so mixed. I think to see Irish characteristics in coloring, body type, facial features is a stereotype that can not be identified. Most peoples are from sub-sub-sub-sub- types and so on. I guess you are Irish if you say you are.

Because Ireland was invaded so many times and colonised, and also because various shipwrecks such as the Spanish Armada (on the west coast) had survivors make their way to shore, and of course traders came to our shores as well, it happened that in all of those eras people from outside came and stayed and intermarried with the existing population. Succeeding generations carried their genes, so it is very hard to be very specific about Irish characteristics. However, many Irish people have dark hair and blue eyes with fair-skinned complexion. We also have lots of redheads, and on the west coast in particular, dark-haired brown-eyed people whose genes may well have come from Spanish ancestors. We also have our share of blondes (possibly from Viking invaders). Body type - generally average. Better and more varied nutrition than long ago means we are probably taller and healthier than our antecedents, and any obesity is consistent with sedentary lifestyles and the proliferation of junk food. I can't think of any specific facial features, except lots of us have freckles.

Many of us, not all, are born with small somewhat upturned noses with a little knob on top. That little knob on top tends to get knobbier and knobbier as we get older.

The above poster has something wrong. The Romans never stepped foot into Ireland. There was one Roman citizen brought to Ireland as a slave. He escaped and came back and conquered Ireland. His name was Padraic, anglicized Patrick.

We're potato people. Nice average looking people, the odd stunner here and there.