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Position:Home>Genealogy> My dob is 25.09.42 - how close to call up for National Service was I ?

Question:I must have been very close.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I must have been very close.

My Dad would have been in the next intake in his area, but it was stopped. His D.O.B is 14/3/40, so you missed by at least two years I would say.

close for what war??
National Service formally ended on 31 December 1960.
Men were exempt from National Service if they worked in three 'essential services', which were coal mining, farming and the merchant navy.
My father 'escaped' as he was busy making tanks.

You missed it by a couple of years.

My dob is 3/7/43. I joined the Army a year under age. I started my Basic Training on 13th October 1960 and the last National Service Call Up was just going through then.

You were too young by a couple of years or so.
You don't say whether you regret having missed it or whether you are pleased to have been under the age.
I served my eighteen months in the RAF and I enjoyed it all, more than I can say. It was a wonderful time but, of course, war was not really on the cards then.
It's perhaps a pity that the country can't afford to bring it back today. I'm sure it would cure a lot of the present day troubles.
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