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Position:Home>Genealogy> Inscription on family coat of arms is recta sequi or rccta sequi, need english d

Question:Recta seem to mean right, or correct.

Sequi is To follow, or trail

I would guess the Recta Sequi means To follow the right (path)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Recta seem to mean right, or correct.

Sequi is To follow, or trail

I would guess the Recta Sequi means To follow the right (path)

From the only resource I could find, it translates to "Follow the right"

Understand this, coats of arms do not belong to surnames. They were and are granted to individuals. See the link below, one from the British College of Arms and the other from the most prestigious genealogical organization in the U.S., The National Genealogical Society.

There might have been 15 different individuals with the same surname that were each granted their own coat of arms. However, the peddlers that sell them, like House of Names, Swyrich, Hall of Names etc etc etc. will not have them all. They don't need to in order to sell to gullible Americans.

There are no laws regarding heraldry in the U.S. In some countries a person would risk prosecution for displaying a coat of arms without documented proof that they are entitled to ti.

Now, if you have a coat of arms that your father passed on to you and his father passed on to him and his father..... so on down the line, it is valid and you probably would know what the motto meant.

However, people who display those dinky little walnut plaques with a coat of arms on it on their den wall or over their fireplace are just displaying one that was granted to someone with their surname and might not even be related.

Afterall it was untiil the 14th century that most people had a surname. The Normans introduced them for taxation. When surnames were taken or assigned, legitimate sons of the same man could each have a different surname, but they each shared their surname with others with whom they were not related.

IF this is a school assignment, go ahead and print off any one you see on line, but also print off the 2 links I have provided and give them to your teacher.