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Position:Home>Genealogy> What do you think about the last name pepi?

Question:would any of you girls care to go out with a guy if that was his last name

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: would any of you girls care to go out with a guy if that was his last name

This is what has to say abou the name,
Italian: patronymic from Pepe, a pet form of Giuseppe (see Joseph), or from pepe ‘pepper’, as a nickname for a spirited or highly active person.
Greek: patronymic from Albanian Pepa, a pet form of the personal name Petros (see Peter).
Greek: alternatively, perhaps a metronymic from Aromanian Pepa, a pet form of the female personal name Despina.
Greek: possibly also a patronymic from Italian Pepi, a pet form of Giuseppe (see 1 above).
hope this helps.