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Position:Home>Genealogy> What Nationality Am I?

Question:The question is fairly simple, make an educated guess. I'm curious to see what you all have to say.

The truth of the matter is I don't really know myself. This may sound strange but it is the truth. I am adopted. I am mainly curious to see what people think because I get a very wide range of answers and never one predominant over the others. Thanks a bunch!

The circumstances of my adoption are very limited. I

Here are the things I know.
I know the country I was 'officially' adopted from, but not necessarily my nationality or ancestry.

I know I was found on the steps of an orphanage where I remained for a couple years as an infant before being adopted overseas in Canada.

I do not know my real name.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The question is fairly simple, make an educated guess. I'm curious to see what you all have to say.

The truth of the matter is I don't really know myself. This may sound strange but it is the truth. I am adopted. I am mainly curious to see what people think because I get a very wide range of answers and never one predominant over the others. Thanks a bunch!

The circumstances of my adoption are very limited. I

Here are the things I know.
I know the country I was 'officially' adopted from, but not necessarily my nationality or ancestry.

I know I was found on the steps of an orphanage where I remained for a couple years as an infant before being adopted overseas in Canada.

I do not know my real name.


Have you spent much time in any specific Asian communities? I believe that if you were to invest a substantial amount of time in a Chinese community, you may be provided some answers just by sheer involvement. At least you may reveal some clues. Or, you may discover that you have Thai blood, or a combination of the two. In addition, you may find which Asian language comes most naturally to you. This may also help? Good luck in your quest.

U are a Hmong


korean or japanese

I think maybe Japanese.

All I know is that you are gorgeous!!!! Good luck to you :)

Your NATIONALITY is that of whatever country you were born/raised in. In your case, you are Canadian, since that is where you were raised. I believe what you are really asking about is your ETHNICITY. As far as determining what your ethnicity is, you could have DNA testing to see what ethnic markers you have. Outside of that, there will be no way to know without knowing who your birth parents are.