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Position:Home>Genealogy> Do you know of any good family tree programs?

Question:I am researching my family tree. I have a subscription to's great but I want to store it on my computer. do you have any ideas?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am researching my family tree. I have a subscription to's great but I want to store it on my computer. do you have any ideas?

I have always used PAF (its free), and none of my data is stored online. I control whether my files are public or not, and they are always accessible, online or not. If you are talking about images from ancestry (or any web site), you should be able to 'right click' and save the file to your system as a jpeg.
I think some persons who are not familiar with genealogy (like another poster) may not be aware that programs exist to do all that for you. A huge issue about reinventing the wheel (excel files, so forth) is that they are not standard, which is a headache, if you want to transfer the file to someone else.

I ran a search and found a program that's operated by I hope this helps!

Family trees are notoriously difficult things.

Save first into my favorites.

You can copy and paste info you want into Word.

Just highlight parts you want. takes time but you will find it is not that difficult to do.

I have an account at, it's pretty good. Still growing.