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Position:Home>Genealogy> What is your Nationality?

Question:I'm half German half Spanish what about you?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm half German half Spanish what about you?

Ukrainian/ polish/scottish/irish

I am Canadian!!!!!!

I am American I was born here. My dad and his dad and his dad was born here. How far back do you have to go to be able to clam to be an American...

Native American and French

i am from the nation which is densely populated and stands 2nd in this world !!! now you know my nationality. Right !!

english, irish, french, italian, and american indian...on my mom's side...who knows on my dads...born and raised in TEXAS!!


I only see 6 answers, so it seemed that you already had a reply that nationality and ethnic and/or heritage are NOT the same. *smile*
Anyhow.. they aren't the same, but it takes us genealogy addicts to point out the picky points. Nationality has to do with political allegiance, the place where you are a citizen. That is usually where you are BORN, but it can change.
Heritage is where your ancestors come from. If you trace your ancestors back many generations, you might find that your German parent has other background, same for Spanish parent, might have an Italian gr grandparent.
Nationality for me is American, but I have Polish ancestry.
(hint- I always chuckle if I can tease someone into doing their genealogical history).

Wendy told you right.

I had ancestors that came to Jamestown BEFORE the Mayflower. On one family line I have ancestors that some say crossed an ice bridge from East Asia thousands of years ago and were here to greet the Vikings, the Spanish, the English, the French and even St. Brendan. However, anyone who became a naturalized American citizen today, their nationality is just as much American as mine.

Now my ethnicity is a number of things.

In the colonial South, they had English, Scots, ScotchIrish, French Huguenots and Germans. My maternal grandmother who was born in 1873 was a blend of all those things but her nationality was only one thing, American.

She married my grandfather in 1899 who was Polish, Polish Jew, German, Native American. His nationality was nothing but American.

My father was a mixture of Irish and ScotchIrish, that is Irish, orange and green.
My paternal grandfather was orange with a little green and my paternal grandmother was green with a little orange, but their nationality was nothing but American.

There are American citizens who were born in this country, their parents were born in this country and their grandparents were born here and they frequently are guilty of talking stupid by saying, "My natiionality is Irish," "My nationality is Italian," "My nationality is German." "My nationality is Polish." Yes, that is talking stupid.

my nationality is canadian
my ancerstry is irish(mostly), english, scottish and austrian.

but i do have a dead graet grandfather which moved to canada from ???? he never told any. i researched our surname to be austrian.

Cherokee indian, french, irish and english.


there are no nationalities in the usa, only are either black, brown or white....everyone else is from another country....................................