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Question:Does anyone know what countries these last names are from?
Or any websites that help tell me where these last names are from?
(if you don't know guesses are okay too)



Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Does anyone know what countries these last names are from?
Or any websites that help tell me where these last names are from?
(if you don't know guesses are okay too)


Origin: German
Spelling variations of this family name include: Bach, Bache, Bacher, Baechle, Bachle, Back, Backe, Bacch, Bacche, Baach, Baacher and many more.

First found in Augsburg, Bavarian Swabia, where the family gained a significant reputation for its contributions to the emerging mediaeval society.

Origin: English
Spelling variations of this family name include: Mirabell, Mirrabell, Marabel, Marrabell, Marrabell, Marrable, Mirrable, Mirable and many more.
First found in Oxfordshire , though there is a region in Spain with the same name

Can't seem to find Versai, though it sounds like that place in France--Versailles.

Encyclopedia will help u.

Bachor may b from Nederlands.

Bacor sounds German, Mirabal sounds Spanish/Portugese and Versai sounds French.

It has 30,000 names.

I agree with Michael C, but also had the thought that Versai and Mirabal seems like they could also be Italian. Of course, all this is without actually looking them up to see what they really are. Would be interesting to see how close we are.

Many were close, these names are all Castellon from eastern Spain, right next to France, but not French or Spanish!

I could only find this about the name "Mirabal", I couldn't find any thing for the other two names, sorry.
Aragonese: probably a variant of Miraval, a habitational name from Miraval, in Aragon, formed with mirar ‘to look’, ‘survey’, ‘admire’ + vall ‘valley’.
Hope this helps.