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Question:I'm looking for a website that either:
-lets you type in two people's names and check if they're related
-typing in a name and see a 'family tree.'


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm looking for a website that either:
-lets you type in two people's names and check if they're related
-typing in a name and see a 'family tree.'


Many many people in this country (US) enjoy tracing their ancestors, and actually, many persons have posted their research on the internet. In general.. what is online is NOT living persons, but people who are already dead. SOME of your ancestry MIGHT be online. I would not expect it.
But, reality check time.. millions of persons in this world, have no interest at all in their background. There are millions of dead persons who are not researched at all. Or, people have searched them, but that is not always online.
What you are hoping for is some huge massive file that has everyone in the world in it, and everyone that lived. That does not exist.
This is one of the better known sites (there are many others) that has family trees. You have 16 gr gr grandparents- some of them might be there. Don't expect yourself or your parents to be there. also has trees, but it is a fee based service.
On the front page of the site I gave you, there is a guide to beginning research. You might take time to look through there.

Ancestry .com lets you see family trees, but not two people at a time. Also matches other family members with yours.Hope this helps.

As far as the first part of your question, there is no such thing as a website that can do that. In order for that to be possible, then everybody's family tree must be posted on that website, and be 100% accurate, and the website must have the capability to cross check trees against each other. The fact that everybody's family trees are NOT online and many of the ones that are online are NOT accurate, means that even if the website could cross check trees against each other, the results would also be inaccurate.

As far as just typing in a name and get a whole family tree.......

Genealogy is not that simple. Even if you do get results, it may not be accurate. Online family trees are only as accurate as the research that was completed to create that family tree by the person who did the research. Many people don't research at all. They copy other people's inaccurate information without verifying anything.

Bottom line is, YOU need to do your own research and do it thoroughly and document everything. Anything less would be irresponsible genealogy research.