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Position:Home>Genealogy> Genealogy question - what is this person in relationship to me?

Question:I'm trying to figure out someone's relationship to me. Our common ancestor is our great-great-great-great-grandfather. Does that make us any kind of cousins?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm trying to figure out someone's relationship to me. Our common ancestor is our great-great-great-great-grandfather. Does that make us any kind of cousins?

Have a look at this chart it may help,

seems like your 5th cousins, if u both really DO have the facts correct.

Wow, 5th cousins, seems very distant.

5th cousin.

It is easier if you call your common ancestor your 4th great grandfather. That means there are 4 "Great" in front, not that you numbered your grandparents' fathers and he was #4. Then you add 1 to get the degree of cousins if that is the one you share.

great grand father = 1st great, 2nd cousin
great great grand father = 2st great, 3rd cousin
and so on

yes, great-great-great cousins.