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Position:Home>Genealogy> What is my grandfather's cousin in relation to me?

Question:He's not a great great cousin is he? Great uncle?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: He's not a great great cousin is he? Great uncle?

It would be your first cousin twice removed

Twice removed means that there is a two-generation difference. You are two generations younger than a first cousin of your grandmother, so you and your grandmother's first cousin are first cousins, twice removed.

he's still a grandfather.

1st cousin 3 times removed.

It depends on what the cousin relationship is to your grandfather. Meaning that is it his first cousin? Second cousin? His first cousin once removed? Then it is calculated from there. Assuming you just mean first cousins, then Egami is right. It would be your first cousin twice removed.

If it is your grandfather's first cousin, then it is his kids (your parent's) first cousin once removed, then your first cousin 2x removed, then will be YOUR children's first cousin 3x removed.

Just add 2 "removeds" to whatever the cousin relationship is to your grandfather to figure out what it is to you, as you are 2 more generations removed from the relationship your grandfather has with that individual. If it is his 2nd cousin, then it is your 2nd cousin 2x removed. If it is his first cousin once removed, then it is your 1st cousin 3x removed.

First cousin twice removed.

Once a cousin relationship exists (be it 1st cousin, 2nd cousin, 3rd cousin, etc.) then that cousin relationship exists not only for the person, but for ALL direct descendants of that person, even someone born 1000 years from now.

So your grandfather and person B are 1st cousins.

That means, that person B is a 1st cousin not only to your grandfather, but to all of your grandfather's decendants from here to the end of time.

BUT...this is where removed comes in. You add a "removed" for each subsequent generation.

So your grandfather's child, is still a 1st cousin to person B but is 1st cousin once removed (one generation removed).

That person's child (YOU) would be a 1st cousin twice removed.

Your child would be a 1st cousin three times removed.

A child born in the direct line of your grandfather 1000 years from now, would still be Person B's 1st cousin - but by then maybe 40 times removed.

What "cousin" means is the SMALLEST number of generations separating one person from the nearest common ancestor. Person B is 1 generation separated from the common ancestor (your 2nd Great Grandparents) so you would always be 1st cousins. But if you ADD together the cousin number and removed number, you can figure out how many generations the second person is separated from the common ancestor.

In your case, you are 1st cousin twice removed, so 1+2=3 so you are THREE generations separated from the common ancestor [your parent, your grand parent, your Great grandparent separates you from the common ancestor - your 2nd great grandparent).

If he is your grandfather's first cousin, he is your first cousin twice removed.

If he is your grandfather's second cousin, he is your second cousin twice removed.

Each time you go up or down a generation you add a removed. If you are under the age of 40, your first cousins probably don't have grandchildren, but some of your 12th cousins do. (You probably don't know your 12th cousins, either.) Assuming you found some, your 12th cousin's grandchildren are your 12th cousins twice removed.

When you get to be my age, some of your first cousins will have grandchildren. They will be your first cousins twice removed.