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Position:Home>Genealogy> I am trying to locate a 49 year old african american, Thomas A. Robinson, lives

Question:Born Apr 10 1958

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Born Apr 10 1958

If you have any idea of the city where he lives, I might be able to help you. I have 75 adults listed with that name and middle initial in California alone. GO TO MY PROFILE to send me an e-mail.

If we find the Thomas A. Robinson you are looking for, we will ask for his permission to give you his contact information.

lol It's kind of funny because in To Kill a Mockingbird the guy charged with rape's name is Tom Robinson.

Thomas A Robinson (born April 1958)
1634 260th Street
Harbor City CA 90710

We get a load of trouble for posting personal information about people on this board. But we can refer you a good search site, like MelissaData: