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Position:Home>Genealogy> I just checked my family tree. Is being your own uncle a good thing?

Question:Yes, because that's one less Christmas present you have to worry about!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Yes, because that's one less Christmas present you have to worry about!

Im my own Grandpa.... no wait that's a song..... not good when your branches or roots meet. Is that a banjo I hear in the background?

not really ... incest...

Yes it could be handy as if your own Father wasn't around then you could be your own father figure???? How's the weather up in Thum Thar Hills??? I'm spoiling for a Hootinanny!!!! and some Grits!!!!! and I live in Australia!!!

I don't know. Is your aunt hot?

Better than finding out you were your own "aunt...!"

Religiously speaking.... I don't think so.