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Position:Home>Genealogy> What is the earliest year one can find birth records for Catholics in rural Irel

Question:It'll be hard to find records past the 1840s, and easier on from the 1920s and up. Still, what do I know eh? Keep trying to find records as far back as you can! =)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It'll be hard to find records past the 1840s, and easier on from the 1920s and up. Still, what do I know eh? Keep trying to find records as far back as you can! =)

It realy depends where in Ireland you might be looking. In the west of the country church records are rare before about 1850
If you have any more info it might be easier.

You can find baptismal records back to the 1400s in all Catholic countries. That was when the papacy mandated all parish priests keep registers of sacraments administered. In places like France, Ireland and Spain, those are likely the only records you'll find because the government liked the idea of the priest keeping records and didn't develop their own parallel record keeping for 300-400 years.