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Question:Does anyone know how you can find people for FREE!! I have been trying to find my dad for ages and iv tried everything i can think of. Then you see these websites and they look really promisin then you either have to pay or they are useless.

If anyone can help i would be grateful


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Does anyone know how you can find people for FREE!! I have been trying to find my dad for ages and iv tried everything i can think of. Then you see these websites and they look really promisin then you either have to pay or they are useless.

If anyone can help i would be grateful


Try these sites...
Good luck & I hope these help

Christian? have you asked God and continued to search. Advice, dont go it alone.



Sadly, I have to be a more than a bit discouraging here. I can't tell from your other questions if you are from the US or not (I'm relating US information so if not, it may be slightly different in your country). But it is absolutely clear that you are a minor.

And that's a really big problem. Most of the ways that have the best (though even those are slim) chance of success can't be done until you reach the age of majority (18 in the US). Even hiring a private investigator is beyond you - not just from the money standpoint, but it would require a contract and nobody is going to enter into a contract of substance with a minor - they are unenforcable.

Unless you have an exceptionally supportive parent or legal guardian in this venture (note I said IN THIS VENTURE - this person[s] could be the best parents in the world), you are probably going to have to wait until you are at least 18 to pursue anything.

But you also can't really tell what you are facing. Do you know your father's name? (Sorry to have to use rather brutal terms, but this is real life) Was this an abandonment? Well, finding someone with just a name is virtually impossible. But somebody probably knows something more than that. With the additional information, you might have a chance. Also, and again this would fall to your parent or legal guardian, there can be some (though minimal) help through the legal system if your father is obligated to pay child support and your parent or legal guardian wishes to pursue this.

If however, you were given up for legal adoption, that's an entirely different world. Often, even if you can locate the adminstering jurisdiction, adoption records are sealed tighter than a drum. It can take substantial legal actions to unlock them - and then some just can't be unlocked. Again, something you just can't even begin to do until you are 18 (or have absolute support of parent or guardian).

I do understand your need. Your STRONG need. It is natural and normal. But until you reach 18, most avenues that have the best possibility of success just won't be available to you.

Try the web site below, hope this helps

Good luck and good hunting