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Position:Home>Genealogy> Do you know anyone with the first name 'Vance'?


I also know where to check names from people in the USA. This site
has 6,306 people named "Vance" who have died. They died from the 1960's until last October.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Yes.

I also know where to check names from people in the USA. This site
has 6,306 people named "Vance" who have died. They died from the 1960's until last October.

yes, back in the 70's I did.

Yes. What do you need to know.

This name is actually gaining popularity again.

i think one of my long lost reletives that lives in ireland does.

Nope, but I know of some celebs

My old cousin's nick name is Vance. :)

Yes. Next question???????

Now that gays are more readily accepted into society the name is becoming more popular.

Me too--back in the 70's I knew a guy. That was a pretty cool name...

Yes. it's an odd first name and not that very common. My coworker hates his name, people call him vince instead.

My attorney's first name is Vance.

I know of a singer who uses the name as his "stage" name, its very unusual, I don't like it do you?

I know someone having Vance as a last name. MANY children are given first names that are the mom's family name. It can also be just a random choice (or for a family friend).

no but would lik to meet one