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Position:Home>Genealogy> Who has birthday in the same family that are not twins?

Question:In my family, I have my sister born on June 25, I have a cousin born June 25 and I was born June 25. My grandson was born August 24 and my grandfather born August 24, 1896. My niece living in different gave birth to the same day Jan 22 and about the same time.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: In my family, I have my sister born on June 25, I have a cousin born June 25 and I was born June 25. My grandson was born August 24 and my grandfather born August 24, 1896. My niece living in different gave birth to the same day Jan 22 and about the same time.

My cousin Brian was born on my Grandfather's birthday. My cousin Sharon was born on my Grandmother's birthday. My mom and her older sister were born 366 days apart. Four of mom's siblings were born 3 days either side of Christmas day.

My brother's son was born on his birthday.

My sister and and Grandma Sept 15

We have several "near misses" in my family, and my sister & I have the same birth date 4 years apart.

I also have a cousin born on Feb. 29!

I have a great niece who share's a birthday with her great Great grandmother (17 March St.Patrick's day)