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Position:Home>Genealogy> Is there anyone from the country of Hungary on Yahoo Answers?

Question:I'm curious about the culture, My distant relatives came from there.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm curious about the culture, My distant relatives came from there.

If you ask me the best way to get closer to the Hungarian culture if you start learning the language.
Recently i make efforsts to help people who want to learn the Hungarian language.
If you need help in that or you would like to talk about Hungary
in English you are absolutely welcome.

Zolta from Budapest,Hungary

I'm not from Hungary, but I have found these sites for you all have the information you are looking for about Hungary.
Hope this helps.

In most larger cities, especially in the Midwest, there are some great Hungarian Cultural Centers. You might check it out in your area and see if there's one. That way you can experience the music, the food (especially real goulyash!) and the culture. You can also get to know others in your area who share your heritage and help you connect a little more. Here's one in my area that you might use as a starting point. Never forget that the Hungarians were some of the finest cooks in Europe. IMHO they put the French to shame (and I'm almost 1/2 French!)

I am some hungarian but so much else 2