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Position:Home>Genealogy> Question about finding my last name?

Question:I am full german.On both my parents sides.I would like to find a website where I can find my last name in Germany today like where people live in Germany today with the same list name as me.I can't pay for it either so it has to be for free. Lets the nazi rants start.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am full german.On both my parents sides.I would like to find a website where I can find my last name in Germany today like where people live in Germany today with the same list name as me.I can't pay for it either so it has to be for free. Lets the nazi rants start.

Cyndi's List is one of the best places to start when researching genealogy. Some of the sites require payment but many are free or have free trials.

The phone book/white pages (Das Telefonbuch) is probably one of the best sources for current listings of people with your last name. Most genealogy sites hide the names of living people.

Good luck with your searches. Genealogy is a fascinating hobby!

You could try this site, this part of it is completely free to use,
hope this helps.

If you are just looking for people alive today that have the same last name as you. Try to find an online telephone listing for Germany. May have to learn a little german to navigate it but it will give names, phone numbers and probably addresses too. has many family files, and you may find someone who is already working your family name(s). Many types of historical records (for genealogy) are accessible through other routes. If your goal is to find your ancestry, it is not necessary to look up persons with the same name in another country, who may not be related, or even have any interest in family history.
Friendly tip.. genealogists tend to be friendly persons, who like helping others find their ancestry. Your comment about rants shows a hostile attitude that is not called for, and can alienate persons who would be happy to help you.

Would have been a good idea to post the names you are looking for. Besides, my eyes are bad, because I've seen so much already. So I could not read the last sentence of your question.

You are ignorant. All bets that you've never even travelled to Germany in your life! You are NOT German, you are American, face it. I also bet both your parents were born in the US.

Furthermore current day Germany has NOTHING to do with Nazi's. You're an idiot.