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Position:Home>Genealogy> Is there a website to help find the women from your past ?

Question:I'm thinking of hosting a reunion and finding it harder to locate the women because they're married now. Is there a maiden name website or some way to help with this?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm thinking of hosting a reunion and finding it harder to locate the women because they're married now. Is there a maiden name website or some way to help with this?

Not really. There are lots of marriage records on genealogy sites, but they are for people who have died; genealogists hide details on living people.

Some classes from some high schools and colleges have alumni pages, but they are rare. I joined once, when I was on our class reunion committee. Roughly 60 of my 500 former classmates were on it. I wrote to all of them. 1/3 of the e-mail messages I sent bounced. Another third never answered. They may not have been interested, but I suspect most of them had stopped using the e-mail address they gave to Classmates.

Aside from alumni pages, I can't think of any place to find maiden names of living women.

You could try, if you are in the USA, but don't get your hopes up.

of course you can always wait for your high school reunion to see them.

I know it might not work but try

Sorry this is the best I can do :(

Good Luck.