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Position:Home>Genealogy> What are some sources I can use to trace my ancestory that are free?

Question:I tried some sites, but the "free" ones don't give much info. I tried but you got to sign up for that. I also tried asking my parents, but my mom doesn't know much and..I don't think I have asked my dad yet. Can someone help me out?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I tried some sites, but the "free" ones don't give much info. I tried but you got to sign up for that. I also tried asking my parents, but my mom doesn't know much and..I don't think I have asked my dad yet. Can someone help me out?

start with...
the motherlode for genealogy sources. Scroll down to the beginner area, to figure out how to start. Then, be sure and browse through the section on myths and hoaxes.
Don't expect living persons to be online. I mean, I like my privacy and hate id theft. Once you get back to the early 1900s, things open up.
Try to think in pieces and individual persons, not surnames and family trees. In other words "how can I find the death date for John Smith in Dallas, Tx about 1950?". You'll get the place. Vague questions lead us to baldness. is a volunteer network of county based sites. So, once you know that grandma was born in Jasper co, Missouri, you'll head for that page and see what they have. Some are better than others. is the LDS site. Some of the stuff is worthwhile, if it comes from an original source. Someone elses' research might be a goldmine, or it could be total guesswork. It also has guides to research.
Before you go to bed tonite, chant the word "documentation" 20 times. What it means, is completely basic to research... you don't rely on memories. You use historical records (some are better than others).
Easy aint fun. The fun is when no one knows the answer but YOU find it. Sense of achievement.
It is not all online. Remember, people traced family before computers were thought of. USE the computer to find the records (they were there all along).
Go visit my friend cyndi... and then come back and visit us some more. And more. and More.

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Most local libraries subscribe to ancestory sites and they allow you to use it for free. Call them and ask.

Library and Historical Society in your town.