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Position:Home>Genealogy> Do you know where this last name is from?

Question:I was adopted so I don't know much about my biological family. Do you know where the last name Vining comes from? I'm just wondering where my ancestors are from. Thanks for your time! -Shell

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I was adopted so I don't know much about my biological family. Do you know where the last name Vining comes from? I'm just wondering where my ancestors are from. Thanks for your time! -Shell

Well something that i was told and was interestin is that our surnames where made on the jobs our ancestors did eg, black smiths surname was smith, thats why its a common surname, vining could be from a different language so you would have to translate it.

Names can also change other the generations, some partenrs wish to keep both surnames eg, johnson - bolt.

Have you ever through of going to the authonage and asking about your history? Im sure they would tell you, good luck x

Honey, okay
I just typed in sir name Vining geneology, and this whole slew of documented updated census, came up, i live hear in the states. but i'm sure you may be able to find somethng. Now wheter or not this is an American name i don't know, Almost all the names that we hear, are European, there actually are not American names, or when you say American, you may mean born on this soil, but everyone's heritage stretches/roots from somewhere else.

good luck.

it sounds to me as if vining is possibly a irish surname
its just a feeling i get and im usually right 75% of the time
or possibly french ,its a catholic type of surname i think

Its actually an English name.
English: habitational name for someone from a place called Fyning in Rogate in Sussex.
hope this helps.

does not sound Asian

Hi Shell,

You don't say whether you are in the UK or not, but obviously you sound like you want to know your roots. If you are in the UK and over 18 you can go to the adoption Section of Social services, and speak with someone regarding requesting your file. It does take some time, but they will be able to help you find out about your Birth Mother etc, and where you were adopted from.
From then on you can do your family tree, if that is what you are really wanting. Alternatively you can do two trees, one for your adopted name, and later on when you have the info you want you can do another tree in that name.

If you want to talk more about this email me by pressing my contact button, I have been in the same position myself.

Good luck, Happy searching.