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Position:Home>Genealogy> What happened to Rustskipper??

Question:Any of you chronogically challenged supporters of this venue know what happened to Rustskipper. He as been on top of the answerers list since I've been on (though Ted is quickly catching up). But it seems he just disappeared 7 months ago. Hope he's OK.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Any of you chronogically challenged supporters of this venue know what happened to Rustskipper. He as been on top of the answerers list since I've been on (though Ted is quickly catching up). But it seems he just disappeared 7 months ago. Hope he's OK.

read his profile and last question he posted, regarding trolls.
Trolls sabotage the integrity of answers by various means ("gang" voting for someone they like, even if the answer is completely trash, things like that).

I would like to know what happened to Grannytoad, she was really nice I thought, but I haven't seen her here in months either, nor Rustskipper like you said.