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Question:all the family tree programs online or downloaded dont have the options to show brothers and sisters on the print out is there any family trees that I can make that shows everyone in the family & extended family?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: all the family tree programs online or downloaded dont have the options to show brothers and sisters on the print out is there any family trees that I can make that shows everyone in the family & extended family?

They will show brothers and sisters if you print off a family group sheet. A pedigree chart only shows mothers and fathers.

Roots Magic, which sells for $29, prints a couple of different charts that have siblings.

Or, draw one yourself. Put yourself at the bottom, draw the tree trunk up a bit, put brothers and sisters on it. Make it branch like a "U", put your mother on the right-hand branch, father on the left. Put their brothers and sisters on the up and down part of the branch. Have each branch branch again, again like a "U", put the grandparents on it. Draw leaves with important facts; when born, if they served in the military, went to college, what was their first job, etc.

The easiest way to have ALL the info you want concerning a family tree is to simply use a word document. I use #1 for either parent, #2 for grand dads (each tree), #3 for grand mas, etc.
I type in name, date/place of birth, date/place of baptism, date/place of marriage, date/place of death; occupation, that person's parents' names, SOURCES, then list children (in your case, siblings) with date/place of birth, etc. Before sources, I put notes, if any.
Using this system, ALL information is readily available; they can be found by using CTRL F.
It does not take up GB of space in the computer; you can print out just what you need; computer will not crash if you want to print the entire thing.
I have more than 400 pages typed this way, most of it on my Mom's side. On my Dad's side, I have gone back to the early 1400s; on my Mom's side, to BC.

There are professional charters who can fit your family on a pretty tree for a price. The major problem I've found is that despite Ancestry's All in One Tree- the result isn't editable, so that you can make it fit the boundaries of a large poster printout. Plus, it squeezes randomly so that it is hard to tell even who are siblings.

There are ways in 2005 to show all the siblings for each person on a ancestor or descendant tree - but not their children.