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Position:Home>Genealogy> How can a grandson get information on an immigrant (now dead) to Canada?

Question:The information wanted is on the immigrant's family, and should reside within some immigration papers when entering Canada.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The information wanted is on the immigrant's family, and should reside within some immigration papers when entering Canada.

Without knowing the era, I can only give you an overview.

If the ancestor was French and settled in either Quebec or Acadia before the British took over, then the records will be at either the Universite de Montreal (PRDH) or the Universite de Moncton (Centre for Acadian Studies).

If the emigration was during British rule, but before 1860, there aren't many records. Those that do exist you would have to search from links at

If the emigration was after 1860, check for the records at the Archives Canada website.

If they were in Canada and alive thoroughout WW2, you could consider getting the Registration File. The Canadian Archives has info on getting the files from Statistics Canada - the wait time can be a bit long but they were filed out by the person and they were supposed to put parental info on the form.