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Position:Home>Genealogy> History of gypies?

Question:I would like to find out more about these people.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I would like to find out more about these people.

All right - first off, the term "Gypsy" is often (though not always) considered offensive. It was made up by Westerners as a derivative of "Egypt," since it was believed that they came from there. It is the source of the term "gyp" meaning "to cheat."
Most of that group of people prefer to be called "Romany" (rhymes with "hominy"), "Rom," or "Roma." Not all "Gypsies," however, identify themselves as "Rom."
Their origins appear to be among the Aryans of what is now northern India.
Check with a reference librarian at your nearest good library to find general readings. They are a fascinating people and have a fascinating story.

It is generally believed that they originally came from India, displaced by the numerous invasions during the time of the Mughal Emperors. They moved gradually through south Asia and eventually into Europe and beyond, but many still retain much of their original language and culture. Like migratory people everywhere, they have always been looked upon with suspicion by others, and they have been subject to discrimination and worse wherever they have lived.