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Position:Home>Genealogy> Czech Birth Certificate?

Question:on my grandmother's birth certificate all the towns are followed by a "c. and a number". i.e. Krchleby, c. 40./ Caslavi, c. 150./ Cirkvice, c. 82. Does anyone know what the c. & number mean?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: on my grandmother's birth certificate all the towns are followed by a "c. and a number". i.e. Krchleby, c. 40./ Caslavi, c. 150./ Cirkvice, c. 82. Does anyone know what the c. & number mean?

Some villages are so small, they don't have streets, so the address is just name of the village and number of the house. That c. is shorter for cislo = number.

Most likely, c is the abbreviation for "cislo," Czech for "number," and those are the house numbers in the named town.

House numbering usually wasn't linear, it was chronological. The oldest house in the village was number 1. Number 2 was the next oldest house, even if it was at the other side of the village.

'dlpm' is absolutely right... (points for her) :)
'c.' does stand for '?íslo' ('number' in Czech).. and the number stands for the 'house number'...

I know I just repeated what 'dlpm' said... just consider this a confirmation...