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Position:Home>Genealogy> About the ancestors of the Basques?

Question:a member of a people of unknown origin living in the western Pyrenees in France and Spain
the language of the Basque people; of no known relation to any other language
hope this helps.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: a member of a people of unknown origin living in the western Pyrenees in France and Spain
the language of the Basque people; of no known relation to any other language
hope this helps.

What about them? It is my understanding that the Basques are unlike any other culture presently or in the ancient world... I have heard that the Basques are descendants of the legendary Atlantis but I am sure that is yet to be proved definitively.

Basques are catalan- moorish blend of ethnics, live i the iberian Peninsula.
Some myth suggests them to be related to an earlier culture in Africa, incorrectly associated to the french, as titled now Carthage.

I can't add anything to the posts here already, but you might be interested to know that some very recent DNA findings suggest that the Basques and the original settlers of England have some common ancestors.

I'll give you the quick one on this, too much time and detail otherwise!

they are most likely the surviviors of an earlier mirgration into europe by bands of homo sapian sapian, most likely crossinng from north Afica into spain and then up to their present region before the end of the last ice age when sea levels were more than 100 metre (300 feet) lower than today, which ended about 15000years ago. the effects of this global warming caused the sea level to rise by about 30metres in just under a 1000 years cutting them off. blocked by the montain rages to their north and east they settled down and enjoy the improving climate the effect od the little Dryas (a short ice age around 12000years ago lasting about 1000years) may have redueced their number and left only a few surviving bands.

Then latter migrating humans would have push them back to today's Basque regione.

I don't have time to write any more, so I hope that you can use this to start your own serious reseach on the topic if you need more info.