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Position:Home>Genealogy> Who is the oldest person on this website?

Question:I don't know if 72 will do or not. Uh Oh, looks like I have a few years before I catch up with Wendy.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I don't know if 72 will do or not. Uh Oh, looks like I have a few years before I catch up with Wendy.

Is this leading to a genealogy question.

I am 458 yrs old and descend from the lost werdefucarwe tribe (see other genealogy questions).
Ted is still the most handsome, or so he continues to claim.
edit- Shirley is fibbing. Check her coat of arms.
edit 2.. a thumbs up for everyone who is still young enough to share a laugh

I know not their name but they have my respect,
It's really good that people of all ages use this site!!

Thank you very much :)
It could be a gentleman called Alfred Jones?

born 1944

it could be me the way i'm feeling at the moment lol

Well, that is really a tough question. Age is just a number. So I don't think there is any old people on here as we are all young at heart!!!!!

Not me !
I was born in the winter of '66

june of `43

bill gates. maybe.

I'm 39, just like Jack Benny.

I'm only one of the devilishly handsome genealogists here, not the handsomest; just another 9.9 on a 10-point scale.

Spring of '63' for me.

As for me, I'm 29 with 30 years' experience (simple math to figure it out. HA!!). Actually it's 1948 for me.

I'm 48, but I'm sure I'm not the oldest.

Me. I'm older than dirt!