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Position:Home>Genealogy> Is looking young for your age a genetic factor or lifestyle?

Question:Both, but it's mostly genetic. Both my parents always looked young for their age but my dad drank a lot, so now he looks his age over 70 but it took a long time to catch up. I stay healthy and I look younger than I am, except I got the wrinkly eye gene from my mom's side and I can't do much about it, so it shows some wrinkles are genetic and some are not, because the rest of my face only has the lines of someone ten or fifteen years younger.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Both, but it's mostly genetic. Both my parents always looked young for their age but my dad drank a lot, so now he looks his age over 70 but it took a long time to catch up. I stay healthy and I look younger than I am, except I got the wrinkly eye gene from my mom's side and I can't do much about it, so it shows some wrinkles are genetic and some are not, because the rest of my face only has the lines of someone ten or fifteen years younger.

genetic factor from my mum side.


I think it is both.

Lifestyle: I was watching a show about one of the martial arts. They showed a man that looked like he was maybe in his late 60's, turns out the man is 85!

Genetics: I am 42 but I look 35 (so I've been told) :-)

I think it's both -- my mom looked young well into middle age, and I look much younger than I am. My skin is in excellent condition because I never smoked and I never went out in the sun.

My grandma lived to be 103, and *her* grandmother lived to be 110.

It is both. If you have ever seen that commercial about cholesterol about how you get it from your Aunt Apple and that apple pie you just ate, you know what I mean.