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Position:Home>Genealogy> What can i do with old genealogy records?

Question:My mom recently passed away and left 4 file drawers of research. I don't have a use for this information but would a Genealogy Society or something else use them?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My mom recently passed away and left 4 file drawers of research. I don't have a use for this information but would a Genealogy Society or something else use them?

There are 3 places I can think of that would be happy to take your Mom's research.
1. Your local LDS Center
2. Your local library if they have a genealogist
3. Your local genealogy society

First I would ask Family members if any of them are doing research. If they are, then perhaps one of them would love to have it.

Based on the predominant locality of your mother's research (county in U.S.), you can donate her research materials to a historical society. A library in the area should be able to direct you.

You DO realize that there could be persons out there, who would kill to have those papers?? To them, those facts are irreplaceable, and worth more than ANY material possession could be.
If the material involves any certain locality, the historical society would absolutely be thrilled to have them. Bless you for asking before tossing them out. Your mother put a lot of her heart into that research. There might also be a cousin that has enough interest to sort them, and maybe keep copies.
I am very sorry to hear of your loss.

DON'T!!!!!!!!!! One day you or a descendant will want them, and will kill you if you give them away! TRUST ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! You will give yourself the biggest kick in the **** 20 years from now if you get rid of them!!!

Please think carefully before you do any thing with this research, you might not want it now but may do in the future, are you a parent, if so your children might want to know there heritage at some point, are there any family members who would take the archive and it is a archive.

I would kill to have this sort of paper work given to me, when it's gone it's gone. IF you do give it away then PLEASE PLEASE make sure it's somewhere it will be cared for.

I'm sure someone has a use for that information. Four file drawers is a lot of information. If the information isn't organized, can you take the time to the data together? I do genealogy research and if someone had four file cabinets full of genealogy records, I'd personally go pick the info.

I would check with a local genealogical society within the basic area of research of your mother. If the local genealogical society is unable to handle the material, perhaps the local historical society would be interested. If not, check with a State genealogical society. Sometimes there are small local historical societies as well that are interested in this type of material. Good luck with preserving the information.

A geneology library would be happy to receive it., It would be best to scan the info and save on discs.