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Position:Home>Genealogy> There seemed to be loads of blond haired men but very few blond haired women (na

Question:I live in the North east coast of England where the Vikings invaded as most of the settlers were men, as very few bought wives with them, do you think genetically this invasion still reflects in the current population? Its just something ive visually noticed walking around. (even in myself and my brother)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I live in the North east coast of England where the Vikings invaded as most of the settlers were men, as very few bought wives with them, do you think genetically this invasion still reflects in the current population? Its just something ive visually noticed walking around. (even in myself and my brother)

Odd-I've frequently observed that there are fewer blond men than blonde women! (I live in the mid-Atlantic region of the U. S.) It seems to me that, although there are many little blond boys around, their hair is more likely to darken as they grow up than girls' hair is. I've thought that it's because women make a greater effort to keep their hair blond than men do, but that can't be the only reason. I certainly never thought the feature was connected to X or Y chormosomes! :)

There seems to be a lot of natural blonde's in
the Nordic states.I've seen girls Bask ball teams
with all blond es.from Minnesota.Wisconsin and
new Hampshire.