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Position:Home>Genealogy> Where can I look for info for ancestors with Indian blood?

Question:I have found I have ancestors from the east that were Indians. I dont know where to look for info on finding them. the last names I have are Chaplin and Bristow. The Indian tribes are Cherokee, and Choctaw. Please help me.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have found I have ancestors from the east that were Indians. I dont know where to look for info on finding them. the last names I have are Chaplin and Bristow. The Indian tribes are Cherokee, and Choctaw. Please help me.

For those with native American ancestry, try:

Look first for them in the same places you would look for any other relatives/ ancestors. You may (or may not) find verification that they were native in those records. Once you have a specific location, you can look out for more in depth historical sources, which can give further clues.
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