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Position:Home>Genealogy> Is anyone on here from colne (lancashire)?

Question:do you know anything of a farm that was at the end of knotts lane? does it still exist and is hagg st, still standing?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: do you know anything of a farm that was at the end of knotts lane? does it still exist and is hagg st, still standing?

I just wanted to make a suggestion here as 'itsjustme' as answered with a really good reply, you could try the archives to find the name of the farm, if that's what you are looking for.

No me and my mum from nottingham

No offence, but I really don't like Lancashire accents.

London accents are the best =P

Hope this helps =]

wow 2 other answerers yet 5 thumbs down ! wtf is that all about? something tells me "itsjustme" has a few different aliases