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Position:Home>Genealogy> Peter Tobin?

Question:That house they found with the dead bodies, why when he was took to court the other day did the Dad of one of the girls walk in front of the van he was in?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: That house they found with the dead bodies, why when he was took to court the other day did the Dad of one of the girls walk in front of the van he was in?

I think you would get a much better response in this forum posted below, this is the genealogy forum / family history.;_ylt=Ag...

Its unethical to post information in relation to any living person. ( Peter Tobin )

Imagine how you would feel if you found out your daughter was murdered by this man. He was clinging to the hope that his daughter was alive and would one day come home. His hopes were shattered when her body was discovered and I daresay the reason he walked in front of the van was to put an end to his despair. Is there no end to the misery man perpetrates against man?

Imagine sitting in that Police van listening to the crowds jeering you. You would want that over as quickly as possible. By Michael Hamilton walking in front of the van he slowed that down and Peter Tobin had to experience that for longer.