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Position:Home>Genealogy> Is there a way to get a picture of a deceased veteran?

Question:My boyfriend has no pictures of his father. I know he was a veteran of the Korean War and I have his burial info - he's interned in a military cemetary- but I don't know if pictures from his service days exist. Is there any way I can find out and get one?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My boyfriend has no pictures of his father. I know he was a veteran of the Korean War and I have his burial info - he's interned in a military cemetary- but I don't know if pictures from his service days exist. Is there any way I can find out and get one?

LOOOOONGG SHOT... but I have seen it happen. I found (using google) a pic of one relative on a ship, during ww2. I recently located pictures from the early 70s of my first husband's flight class in training school.
My advice is to find every detail you can about his military unit, where they served, etc. Now, look for military reunion sites, and there are many out there. Some have reunions, others have websites and bulletin boards. If there are surviving members of the unit, you could see if any of them have pics or know the whereabouts of any. There could be an associated archives. Like I said, it is a very long shot.
No living relatives left? siblings?