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Position:Home>Genealogy> If my grandmother is half-italian....?

Question:then isn't my father 1/4 italian? Someone thinks that if she is half-italian then he's 1/25 italian!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: then isn't my father 1/4 italian? Someone thinks that if she is half-italian then he's 1/25 italian!

someone seems to be confusing fraction and percentage.
1/4 Italian = 25% Italian.
Back to math class.

Your father is 1/4 Italian

Wendy C. nailed it.

You can convert fractions to percents with a calculator.

1 / 4 = .25, so it is 25%. Sometimes the "divide by" is a "-" with dots over and under it.

Your grandchildren, 50 years from now, assuming no one else is Italian, will be 3.125% Italian:

You = 1/8 = 12.5%
Your children = 1/16 = 6.25%
Your Grandchildren = 1/32nd = 3.125%