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Position:Home>Genealogy> Is there any chances to an another evolution of human beings?

Question:Anything is possible. Scientists thought we evolved from "Neanderthal man", until DNA came along and showed the skeleton of Neanderthal man was not an ancestor of homo sapiens. Instead, it was supposedly a failed evolution that died out. If that was a failed evolution, then there was also a possibility of a revival of evolution into something resembling homo sapiens. Who knows, maybe the next time they'll get it right and the world won't see war and desecration.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Anything is possible. Scientists thought we evolved from "Neanderthal man", until DNA came along and showed the skeleton of Neanderthal man was not an ancestor of homo sapiens. Instead, it was supposedly a failed evolution that died out. If that was a failed evolution, then there was also a possibility of a revival of evolution into something resembling homo sapiens. Who knows, maybe the next time they'll get it right and the world won't see war and desecration.



A fellow who spoke at my church on evolution said that after we humans wipe ourselves out, he's betting on the raccoons to take over. They are already smart and nimble. They almost have an opposable thumb. They are small enough they have to work to survive. (Elephants have large brains, but no real enemies; no "incentive" to evolve smarter.) Raccons taste good. The stupid ones end up as somebody's dinner; humans, wolves, pumas, bears, golden eagles with brass balls. . . .

They are omnivores. That always helps.

Give us a couple of Muslim terrorists who detonate atomic weapons in New York, a US president who gets fed up with being a nice guy and orders a massive retaliation, one missile aimed at a Muslim country that hits the former USSR or the current China, they "go ballistic", strike, counter-strike, counter-counter-strike, a nuclear winter, a pandemic, and homo sapiens are toast. 100,000 years from now large-brained raccoon archaeologists will be mounting our fossilized bones in museums.