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Position:Home>Genealogy> Are all Thurns a Taxis?

Question:I'm currently studying the surname Thurn.
I found out that there were two types of Thurns:
1) One is derived from the British surname Thorne/Thorn
2) One was created by the house of Thurn und Taxis (Germany)
If I were to say that my ancestors were originated solely from the Holy Roman Empire area, does that make them a derivation of the Thurn und Taxis bloodline? Could people from this region be related to the Thurn und Taxis with just a "Thurn" and not a "Taxis"?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm currently studying the surname Thurn.
I found out that there were two types of Thurns:
1) One is derived from the British surname Thorne/Thorn
2) One was created by the house of Thurn und Taxis (Germany)
If I were to say that my ancestors were originated solely from the Holy Roman Empire area, does that make them a derivation of the Thurn und Taxis bloodline? Could people from this region be related to the Thurn und Taxis with just a "Thurn" and not a "Taxis"?

The Princes of Taxis und Thurn ruled the western end of Austria, not Germany. Their one time castle in Bregenz, Austria was in use as the European campus of an American college at one time, but I understand the college gave it up, and don't know what use it has today.
The chances of your being related to the one time ruling family of that area is remote but possible, although likely on the wrong side of the blanket.
Austria today is a republic, which has renounced most of the rights and claims of the old noble families, many of which were discredited by their associations either in World War I, or during the Nazi occupation of Austria (1938-1945). One of the few noble claimants to escape this was the von Falkenstein line, where the male heir spent the war years in the USA.

See thomas Pynchon books. "V".

There are several hundreds of persons with the surname Thurn (without Taxis) living in Germany. The occurence of this name has got a strong center in a region called Oberfranken (Upper Franconia).
Thurn Castle is situated there in a town called Heroldsbach.
The residence of the von Thurn und Taxis-family is Regensburg in Upper Palatinate.